Aviation Weather -
Take off easily, securely and successfully.
With our simple solution, you can properly prepare for your flight, fly more safely and improve your aeronautical performance – whether for gliding, powered flight, hang-gliding/paragliding or ballooning.

Whether gliding, powered flight, hang-gliding and paragliding or ballooning -
Aviation weather for better flights and rides
Thermal Maps, Potential Flight Distance Forecasts, Live Weather App, Flight Planning
GAFOR Areas, Detailed Area Forecasts, METARs, TAFs, In-Flight App, Flight Planning
Local area forecasts, 10m wind (1kt resolution), Optimal thermal forecasts
High altitude winds up to 7000m MSL, surface wind and gust forecasts, live radar app
Special features
Daily charts for a quick overview
Potential flight distance for thermal flights or potential VFR flight hours for powered flights.
Hourly charts
Eg cloud distribution, significant weather or GAFOR.
Satellite images, rain radar
Up-to-date maps, for forecast comparison and in the cockpit.

The TopMeteo team
By flying meteorologists for pilots
With a passion for flying, the team around the two founders, Dipl.-Met. Dr. Bernd Goretzki (middle left) and Dipl.-Met. Jon Meis (centre right) continues to develop TopMeteo products.
Dipl.-Met. Bernd Fischer (right) contributes his many years of experience in aviation weather forecats and Stefan Goretzki (left) is the managing director and manages the operative business.

Over 10,000 users worldwide
This is what our users say about us

Our weather packages
One country, 2 hour resolution, no partner support-
An electoral region (country)
4 forecast days
Forecasts: 2h resolution
Sat/Radar: 15 (partly 5) minutes
SeeYou / LXNAV
Mail support
Forecast days 5 & 6
TopMetSat app
Thermikinfo Newsletter (only in German)
One country, highest forecast resolution, partner support-
An electoral region (country)
4 forecast days
Predictions: 1h resolution
Sat/Radar: 15 (partly 5) minutes
SeeYou / LXNAV
Mail support
Forecast days 5 & 6
TopMetSat app
Thermikinfo newsletter (only in German)
Entire forecast area on 3 continents, up to 6 days in the future and many extras-
All regions incl. (EUR, AFR, USA)
6 forecast days
Predictions: 1h resolution
Sat/Radar: 15 (partly 5) minutes
SeeYou / LXNAV
Mail/phone support
Forecast days 5 & 6
TopMetSat app
Thermikinfo newsletter (only in German)