Videos tips

Short screen videos

Forecast maps (engl. subtitles)

The start of the daily weather briefing

The forecast maps are the core of our weather forecasts. As an indispensable part of every weather briefing, they cover all relevant parameters that are required in VFR flying.

Learn how to operate the charts with the time slider or loop, how to set your own favorites for a better overview or how the quick navigation buttons work.

Location forecast

The location forecast from TopMeteo

We show how to display all forecast parameters in a chosen location. Find out how to search and save locations as favorites using the map or the search bar, and how to sort and name your favorites individually.

It also shows you how to set your individual time zone.

Flight planning

Our interactive map with airspaces

Zoom as you like and move the map to where you need it.

Navigate comfortably thanks to constantly updated airspaces.

Learn how to draw a track on the weather forecast and how to export it.

Lee waves (with sound)

Use of the wave forecast

Practical tips for use in flight planning with high-resolution terrain information as a background map.